Person holding an alarm clock, symbolising the implementation of productivity hacks for better time management

Productivity. It’s a word we all know and a concept we continually strive to master.

Yet, it often feels like an uphill battle, doesn’t it?

We’re constantly juggling tasks, battling distractions, and trying to squeeze more hours out of our day.

It’s a universal struggle, whether you’re a busy parent, a student, an entrepreneur, or a freelancer.

But what if I told you that there are actionable strategies that could help you boost your productivity?

I’m not just talking about the usual tips you’ve probably heard a thousand times.

I’m talking about productivity hacks that I’ve personally tried and tested, backed by my own insights and experiences, that have the potential to transform the way you work.

In this post, I’ll delve into these productivity hacks, offering you a fresh perspective on managing your time and tasks.

So, if you’re ready to take your productivity to the next level, read on. It’s time to turn the tide in your favour!

The Power of the 90/90/1 Rule

Red alarm clock with meme "START YOUR DAY WITH THE 90/90/1 RULE", showing one of productive hacks in time management.

Have you ever heard of the 90/90/1 rule?

This productivity principle, introduced by leadership guru Robin Sharma, is as simple as it is powerful.

The rule suggests that for the first 90 minutes of your day, for the next 90 days, you should dedicate all your energy to your most important task.

No distractions, no multitasking, just focus on what matters most.

The benefits of this simple rule are profound:

  • It ensures your most important task gets your best energy.
  • It helps you avoid distractions and multitasking early in the day.
  • It sets a productive tone for the rest of the day.

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to write your own book.

You could spend time learning about how to write well, studying other writers, or even diving into 6 Must-Read Books to Become a Better Writer.

But what gets you closer to your ultimate goal is writing your own piece!

So, for the next 90 days, start your day by writing for 90 minutes!

My Experience with the 90/90/1 Rule

Consistency is the key to breakthrough. Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.

Robin Sharma

I’ve personally tried this rule, and the results were nothing short of transformative.

By focusing on my most important task first thing in the morning, I made significant progress and set a productive tone for the day.

It was like a domino effect; knocking down that first, big task made the rest of the day’s tasks feel more manageable.

Of course, it wasn’t always easy. Some days, the temptation to check emails or get caught up in minor tasks was strong.

But with a bit of discipline and a clear focus on my priorities, I was able to stick with it.

And trust me, the payoff was worth it.

This is one of the productivity hacks at work that I’ve found to be incredibly effective.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list or struggling to make progress on your most important tasks, give the 90/90/1 rule a try.

It might just be the productivity boost you need.

Treating Time Like Money: A Powerful Perspective Shift

Man holding pile of money and alarm clock, depicting the importance of treating time like money.

Have you ever considered treating your time like money? It’s a perspective shift that can significantly enhance your productivity.

But we never think about our time this way, do we?

Imagine you’re a child again, and it’s your birthday.

Your parents give you a limited amount of money and take you to your favourite toy store. They tell you that this is all you’re going to get, so you need to make it count.

You think long and hard about what to buy with it, knowing you can only afford one or two toys.

Now, what if we think about our time this way? Each day, you’re given 24 hours.

Just like the money in the toy store scenario, your time is limited. You can’t do everything, so you need to decide how best to “spend” it.

What are the two or three most important things you can do with your time each day?

That gives a whole new perspective, doesn’t it?

This perspective shift is crucial because, unlike money, we can’t get back time once it’s spent.

Time is more vulnerable to misuse because we can’t see or feel it like money in our hand, even though it’s more costly when misused.

So, start your day by identifying two or three key tasks that you want to accomplish.

Make these tasks your priority, and dedicate your best hours to them.

This approach ensures that you’re making the most of your time, just like you would make the most of a limited amount of money.

Switch Off Phone Notifications: Regain Control Over Your Time

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

Anne Lamott

In our hyper-connected world, one of the most pervasive productivity killers is the constant barrage of phone notifications.

Every ping or buzz can distract us, breaking our focus.

It’s a form of digital distraction that’s all too easy to fall prey to, but also one that we can control.

Imagine you’re deeply immersed in an important task. You’re in the zone, making progress, and then suddenly, a notification pops up on your phone.

It could be a social media update, a new email, or a news alert.

Regardless of what it is, it demands your attention, pulling you away from your task.

Even if it only takes a few seconds to check, the interruption breaks your concentration, and it can take significant time to regain your focus.

By switching off phone notifications, you:

  • Regain control over your attention.
  • Reduce digital distractions.
  • Decide when to check your phone, rather than letting your phone dictate your actions.

This doesn’t mean you have to disconnect entirely. You can schedule specific times to check your emails or social media.

This way, you’re still staying connected, but on your own terms.

You’re not allowing these digital distractions to intrude on your productive time.

Remember, productivity isn’t just about doing more; it’s about doing what’s important. And to do that, you need to protect your focus from unnecessary interruptions.

So, take back control. Switch off those notifications and see the difference it can make in your productivity.

Harnessing Awareness and Mind Control

Coloured brain lobes symbolising the concept of harnessing awareness and mind control for improved productivity.

Here’s a somewhat less conventional but equally powerful aspect of productivity – the art of awareness and mind control.

This concept, introduced by motivational speaker Dandapani, is a potent tool for boosting productivity.

Imagine your mind as a house, with different rooms each representing a unique emotion.

Your awareness? Think of it as a glowing ball of light that can only illuminate one room at a time.

When your awareness, this radiant ball of light, enters a room (or an area of your mind), it lights up, bringing the corresponding emotion to life.

In this context, awareness is all about being fully present and immersed in what you’re doing.

It’s about silencing distractions and honing your mind on the task at hand.

Mind control, on the other hand, is about steering your thoughts and emotions in a direction that bolsters your productivity, rather than impeding it.

These two concepts are linked.

By heightening your awareness, you gain better control over your mind. And by mastering control of your mind, you can amplify your awareness.

It’s a virtuous cycle that can lead to significant leaps in productivity.

My Experience with Awareness and Mind Control

The mind is everything. What you think, you become.


There was a time when I felt constantly distracted and overwhelmed, struggling to stay focused on my tasks.

But once I started practising awareness and mind control, I noticed a significant shift. It was like I had identified the ‘Why’ behind my job, which gave me a renewed sense of purpose and drive.

I began by setting aside specific times for focused work, during which I would make a conscious effort to stay fully engaged in the task at hand.

I also started practising mindfulness, which helped me become more aware of my thoughts and emotions.

Over time, I found that I was better able to control my mind, resist distractions, and stay focused on my tasks.

Of course, it wasn’t an overnight transformation. It took time and practice. But the impact on my productivity was undeniable.

I was able to get more done in less time, and I felt less stressed and overwhelmed.

If distractions are hampering your productivity, try harnessing the power of awareness and mind control.

Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno
Watch Dandapani illuminate the path to mastering awareness and mind control.

The Art of Single-Tasking

In a world that often glorifies multitasking, I’m about to champion its antithesis: single-tasking. Surprised?

Focusing on one task at a time can supercharge your productivity.

Single-tasking offers several benefits:

  • It leads to higher quality work.
  • It reduces stress.
  • It provides a greater sense of accomplishment.

My Experience with Single-Tasking

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.

Alexander Graham Bell

I can vouch for the effectiveness of single-tasking from personal experience.

I used to be a chronic multitasker, always trying to juggle multiple tasks at once.

But I found that this approach often left me feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and the quality of my work suffered.

So, I decided to give single-tasking a try. I started focusing on one task at a time, giving it my full attention until it was completed.

The difference was like night and day.

This technique is a perfect example of how utilising time-blocking can boost productivity.

I found that I was able to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently, and the quality of my work improved.

This approach to work is the opposite of multitasking, and it’s a clear example of how patience is a productivity hack. Plus, I felt less stressed and more in control of my workload.

I know single-tasking isn’t easy. It requires discipline and a willingness to let go of the ‘busy-ness’ mentality. But the benefits are well worth the effort.

Feeling overwhelmed by multitasking? Try focusing on one task at a time and see the difference it makes!

The Pomodoro Technique: A Time Management Game-Changer

Woman taking break, laptop and pomodoro timer depicting the use of pomodoro technique for increased productivity

Introducing a productivity game-changer that’s transformed many lives: the Pomodoro Technique.

Deriving its name from the Italian word for “tomato” (thanks to a tomato-shaped kitchen timer), this technique is a time management marvel that can significantly ramp up your productivity.

Here’s how the Pomodoro Technique works:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  • Focus on a single task during that time.
  • Take a short break (about 5 minutes).
  • After completing four “Pomodoros,” take a longer break.

This cycle of work and rest can help maintain your focus, reduce fatigue, and make large tasks feel more manageable.

My Experience with the Pomodoro Technique

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Carl Sandburg

I’ve found the Pomodoro Technique to be a powerful productivity tool.

I was initially sceptical – could taking more breaks really make me more productive? But once I gave it a try, I was hooked.

The focused work periods helped me stay on task, while the regular breaks kept me from burning out.

I found that I was able to maintain a high level of productivity throughout the day, without the usual afternoon slump. Plus, the technique helped me break down large tasks into manageable chunks, making them feel less daunting.

Of course, the Pomodoro Technique isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. You might need to adjust the lengths of your work periods and breaks to find what works best for you.

If you’re struggling with time management, the Pomodoro Technique might be the solution you need.

The 3-Minute Rule: A Double-Edged Sword for Productivity

The word "Done" half circled in red pencil depicting the effectiveness of the 3-minute rule for time management.

The 3-minute rule is an effective productivity hack.

The premise is straightforward: if a task takes 3 minutes or less to complete, do it immediately.

This rule helps you quickly knock out small tasks and prevents them from piling up and becoming overwhelming.

But what if we take this rule a step further? What if we use it not just for small tasks, but as a way to get started on larger, more daunting tasks?

That’s exactly what I did.

On those days when I felt like I had to swallow a frog, but really didn’t want to, I turned to the 3-minute rule.

I told myself, “Let’s do it for 3 minutes, just for 3 minutes.” It was my way of cajoling myself to begin.

We all know that nothing is ever going to be just for three minutes. But it gets the job done.

Almost always, I end up finishing the task I set out to complete when I successfully persuade myself to start it for just 3 minutes.

In this way, the 3-minute rule becomes a powerful tool against procrastination.

It gets you to sit down and begin. And once you’ve started, it’s much easier to keep going.

The Power of Morning Rituals

Each morning we are born again. What we do today matters most.


Ever observed how your morning shapes the rest of your day?

A hurried, disordered morning can leave you feeling rattled and off-kilter, while a serene, organised morning can prime you for a productive, triumphant day.

This is where the magic of morning rituals comes into play.

A morning ritual starts your day on a positive note. It could include anything from exercise and meditation to reading and journaling.

The key is to choose activities that energise you, align with your goals, and set a positive tone for the day.

My Experience with Morning Rituals

I’ve experienced the transformative power of morning rituals.

I used to start my day by immediately checking my emails and social media, which often left me feeling overwhelmed and reactive.

But once I established a morning ritual, everything changed.

My morning ritual includes:

  • Exercise.
  • Planning the day.
  • Writing.

This routine helps me start my day on a positive note, with a clear mind and a focused plan of action.

It’s like a daily reset button that helps me approach each day with a fresh perspective and a proactive mindset.

This is why I always make sure to exercise in the morning as part of my ritual.

Of course, creating a morning ritual isn’t about following a rigid schedule or adding more tasks to your to-do list. It’s about carving out time each morning to focus on yourself and your goals.

Looking to start your day on a positive note? A morning ritual might be just what you need!

The Power of Success Rituals and Positive Affirmations

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

Besides morning rituals, a success ritual can also boost your productivity.

This is a daily practice that helps you focus on your goals and achievements, fostering a positive mindset and a sense of purpose.

One of my personal success rituals involves daydreaming and affirmations.

Now, you might be thinking, “Daydreaming? Isn’t that a waste of time?”

But hear me out.

When used intentionally, daydreaming can be a powerful tool for envisioning your success and setting your intentions for the day.

It’s about allowing yourself to imagine what success looks like for you, without any limitations.

Along with daydreaming, I also use affirmations – positive statements that help reinforce my goals and boost my confidence.

When I first started using affirmations, I had one powerful mantra that I would repeat throughout the day.

Over time, I’ve added more affirmations to my repertoire, and I now find myself automatically uttering them when I wake up and before I go to sleep.

This combination of daydreaming and affirmations is a key part of my daily routine.

It’s like I’m hypnotising myself to success, and it feels great! It sets a positive tone for my day and helps me stay focused on my goals.

So, if you’re looking for a way to boost your productivity and maintain a positive mindset, create your own success ritual.

It could involve daydreaming, affirmations, journaling, or any other activity that helps you focus on your success.

Remember, the goal is to make your day forward-looking and intentional, which is a surefire way to boost your productivity.

Hydration and Exercise: The Unsung Heroes of Productivity

Woman enjoying water while out for a run depicting the importance of hydration and exercise for improved productivity.

When productivity comes to mind, we typically zoom in on strategies like time management, goal setting, and task prioritisation.

But two frequently neglected elements can significantly sway our productivity: hydration and exercise.

Staying hydrated and exercising regularly can:

  • Maintain optimal brain function.
  • Boost energy.
  • Improve mood.
  • Enhance cognitive abilities.

My Experience with Hydration and Exercise

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Jim Rohn

There was a time when I would often forget to drink water throughout the day, and I would skip exercise when I was busy.

But I noticed that on those days, my productivity would take a hit. I felt sluggish, had trouble concentrating, and just didn’t feel at my best.

So, I made a conscious effort to stay hydrated and incorporate regular exercise into my routine. I started carrying a water bottle with me at all times and scheduled short exercise breaks throughout my day.

The difference was noticeable.

I felt more energised, my concentration improved, and I was able to maintain a high level of productivity throughout the day.

This experience taught me that hydration and exercise are indeed the unsung heroes of productivity.

Making exercise a part of my daily routine, like brushing my teeth or eating, helped me stick with it.

I stopped seeing it as an obligation and started seeing it as a non-negotiable part of my day.

This shift in perspective was key in making exercise a habit that stuck.

If you’re looking to boost your productivity, don’t overlook the importance of staying hydrated and getting regular exercise.

These two simple habits can have a significant impact on your energy levels, mood, and cognitive abilities.

Rest: The Forgotten Productivity Booster

Woman resting looking relaxed and peaceful symbolising the importance of rest for productivity.

We often overlook the importance of rest in our quest for productivity.

We push ourselves to work longer hours, skip breaks, and even sacrifice sleep in an attempt to get more done.

But this approach is counterproductive.

Rest is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional health.

And it’s also a powerful productivity booster.

My Experience with Understanding the Importance of Rest

Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.

Ralph Marston

I used to be one of those people who thought they could function on just a few hours of sleep.

I would walk around in a state of constant fatigue, deluding myself into thinking that a lack of sleep didn’t affect me. This was especially true when I was working a 9-to-5 job.

I was paid a regular salary, and as long as I completed my duties, it didn’t matter if I was operating under a brain fog.

But when I became self-employed, everything changed.

I had to stay sharp throughout the day to produce maximum output. I was no longer just completing tasks; I was creating value, and my income depended on it.

I quickly realised that days without good rest resulted in a stark contrast in my productivity level.

This experience taught me to value rest.

I learned that to be at my most productive, I needed to be well-rested.

Now, I make sure to get a good night’s sleep, take regular breaks throughout the day, and give myself time to relax and recharge.

And I’ve found that when I’m well-rested, I’m more focused, more creative, and more productive.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, tired, or burnt out, it might be time to take a step back and rest.

Remember, rest is not a waste of time; it’s an investment in your productivity.

Diving Deeper: Ed Mylett’s Unique Approach to Productivity

While the productivity hacks we’ve discussed so far can significantly boost your productivity, there are other unique techniques worth exploring.

One such approach is the unique productivity method developed by Ed Mylett, a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker.

Ed Mylett’s approach breaks the day into segments for intense focus on each task.

This concept of having multiple mini days within a single day can revolutionise the way you view productivity.

It’s not just about being busy; it’s about making every hour count.

I’ve written a detailed post about Ed Mylett’s productivity techniques, including how to implement them in your own life and the benefits they can bring.

If you’re interested in supercharging your productivity even further, I highly recommend checking out this post.

In it, you’ll find a detailed exploration of Ed Mylett’s unique approach to productivity, including his concept of a ‘6-hour workday’.

This video provides a deep dive into his techniques and offers practical tips for implementing them in your own life.

This is the GREATEST THING You Can Do Every Morning! | Ed Mylett
Ed Mylett sharing his unique productivity insights, including the concept of a ‘6-hour workday’.

Final Thoughts on Implementing These Productivity Hacks

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

Paul J. Meyer

Productivity isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what’s important. It’s about managing your time, energy, and focus in a way that aligns with your goals and values.

And while there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to productivity, there are many strategies and techniques that can help you boost your productivity.

The productivity hacks I’ve shared in this post are ones that I’ve personally found to be effective.

They’ve helped me stay focused, manage my time more effectively, and make significant progress on my goals.

I hope they can do the same for you.

Achieving optimal productivity is a process of learning, experimenting, and refining your approach. It’s about keeping an open mind, being willing to try new things, and not being too hard on yourself if you have an off day.

After all, we’re all human, and mastering productivity is a skill that takes time.

So, are you ready to take your productivity to the next level? Try implementing these productivity hacks and see the difference they can make.

Happy productivity hacking!

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