Know Thyself (Take a Test) & Ambiverts

Want the inside scoop on whether you’re a high performer or not?

Sure, you might already have a hunch about your own performance level, but why not add a little science to the mix with a personality test? Plus, it’s a fascinating read!

That’s what I did.

I had a pretty decent grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses.

But curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to take a personality test to see if there were any hidden gems about myself waiting to be discovered.

You can take a free test here.

But to my utter surprise, each time I took the test, I got different results!

What gives?

Am I some sort of oddball or what? (I mean, it’s entirely possible!)

Over several months, I took the test three times.

One round pegged me as an introvert, while the others labelled me an extrovert.


That’s when I realised the personality test might have a few kinks.

I noticed that my results seemed to be influenced by my mood and life circumstances at the time of taking the test.

However, keep in mind that introversion vs. extroversion is just one aspect of the test.

Which means it’s still worth a shot.

Before diving into the test, I always thought I was a mix of introvert and extrovert.

I cherish my alone time and enjoy doing my own thing.

But I also love being around people. Social interaction doesn’t drain me—in fact, spending time with friends, family, and even strangers energises me. Oh, and chatting with strangers? It’s like a breath of fresh air!

So I was baffled by the inconsistent results of the test.

Ambivert: Striking a Balance between Introversion and Extroversion

Then I stumbled upon a Forbes article called “9 Signs That You’re An Ambivert,” and the puzzle pieces clicked into place.

According to the article, if most of these 9 signs ring true for you, you’re likely an ambivert.

Based on the Forbes article, I’ve rephrased the 9 signs of being an ambivert to present them in a more concise manner.

The original article discusses each sign in the context of ambiversion, so I encourage you to read it for a broader perspective.

1. I can work alone or in a group, and I don’t really have a preference.

2. Social settings don’t bother me, but too much time around people can be exhausting.

3. I enjoy being the centre of attention, but only for a little while.

4. Some people think I’m quiet, while others see me as super social.

5. I don’t need constant activity, but too much downtime bores me.

6. I can get lost in my thoughts as easily as I can get lost in a conversation.

7. Small talk isn’t uncomfortable, but it can get dull.

8. When it comes to trusting others, I can be both sceptical and open.

9. Too much time alone bores me, but too much time with others leaves me drained.

Turns out, my doubts about the personality test were valid!

I’m definitely an ambivert.

What about you?

High Performers, Self-Awareness, and Ambivert Traits

It’s been said that highly successful people are incredibly self-aware.

One key aspect of self-awareness is emotional intelligence (EQ).

Research from TalentSmart found that 90% of top performers at work also have high emotional intelligence.

EQ is your ability to recognise and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.

So, developing your emotional intelligence could be a vital step towards achieving success in your career and life.

And remember, being an introvert or extrovert isn’t about being more or less confident, friendly, or capable—it’s simply about what feels most natural to you.

Understanding the Ambivert Personality

An ambivert personality is a beautiful blend of introverted and extroverted traits.

If you’re an ambivert, you can enjoy social gatherings and alone time equally.

Ambiverts find a comfortable middle ground between the two extremes, allowing them to adapt to different situations with ease.

It’s like having the best of both worlds in one personality!

The Advantages of an Ambivert Personality

Being an ambivert comes with its perks.

Since ambiverts can tap into both introverted and extroverted tendencies, they can connect with a wide range of people and enjoy various experiences.

Ambiverts can be great listeners and effective communicators, making them excellent friends, colleagues, and leaders.

Their adaptability also means they can thrive in different environments, whether it’s a quiet library or a buzzing party.

Can Ambiverts be Shy? Exploring Ambivert Shyness


Just like introverts and extroverts, ambiverts can experience shyness too.

Shyness is a separate trait from introversion and extroversion, and it’s all about feeling anxious or nervous in social situations.

So, even if you’re an ambivert, you might feel shy from time to time – and that’s totally okay!

Recognising your shyness and understanding your ambivert nature can help you navigate social situations more confidently.

Debunking Myths: Are Ambiverts Bipolar?

It’s essential to clear up a common misconception: being an ambivert is not related to bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterised by extreme mood swings, while ambiversion is a personality trait that lies between introversion and extroversion.

They are entirely separate concepts, and it’s crucial to avoid confusing the two.

Mental health awareness is vital, and understanding the difference can help reduce stigma and misinformation.

Nature vs. Nurture: The Origins of Ambivert Personality

The age-old debate of nature vs. nurture comes into play when discussing the origins of ambivert personalities.

Are ambiverts born or made?

Well, the answer is a little bit of both!

Our genes can predispose us to certain personality traits, but our environment and experiences also shape our personalities.

So, while you may have a genetic inclination towards ambiversion, your upbringing, culture, and personal experiences will also play a significant role in molding your unique ambivert personality.

Final Thoughts: Embracing Your Ambivert Personality

While the personality test may not be perfect, it does give you a chance to reflect on your tendencies and preferences, including the possibility of having an ambivert personality.

Understanding your personality type can help increase your emotional intelligence, ultimately contributing to your overall success in life.

If you’re up for some more self-exploration, check out these questions for self-discovery.

Or, if you want to evaluate your life at this particular moment, try answering these questions.

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery can be an entertaining and enlightening game to play with yourself. Plus, it’s an excellent way to start living a more intentional and purpose-driven life.

So go ahead, dive into the world of personality tests and self-discovery—you never know what incredible insights you might uncover about yourself, including the nuances of your ambivert personality.

And who knows? You might just discover that you’re a high performer after all!

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