Taking Things Personally and Blogging

Ever caught yourself wondering why you can’t help but take things personally?

Consider this scenario: you stroll into the office kitchen, and suddenly, everyone goes silent. 

Your mind jumps into overdrive: they must have been gossiping about me!

The truth is, we can’t be sure if they were discussing you or not.

But when you’re prone to taking things personally, that’s just how your mind works. 

You become paranoid and overly concerned about what others think of you.

Let’s dive into why taking things personally can hold you back from living a life you adore and, more importantly, how to put an end to it.

The Trap of Taking Things Personally

I’ll admit, not too long ago, I was a fierce defender of taking things personally. I’d shout:

“What’s so wrong with taking it personally, huh?”

In reality, I was just trying to justify my own sensitivity.

So, when I stumbled upon this line from a movie, I couldn’t help but feel thrilled:

“What’s wrong with taking things personally? Everything is personal!”

Finally! Someone out there gets me, even if it’s just a character from a movie.

I was over the moon! Ha.

Low Self-Esteem and the Tendency to Take Things Personally

During my personal growth journey, I discovered that taking things personally often indicates low self-esteem.

Well, that was a jaw-dropping revelation among the many I’ve encountered since embarking on self-improvement.

When your self-esteem is low, you crave approval from others for everything you do or say.

Don’t get me wrong.

As social beings, we all enjoy being liked and accepted by others.

The real problem—and the opening of your personal inferno—occurs when you let other people’s expectations dictate your actions or words.

Because when you do that, you’re giving them power over you, like handing your soul over to the devil (a bit exaggerated, but it drives the point home).

Other people’s opinions become the basis for your self-worth or how you approach your work.

And that’s a risk you can’t afford to take.

You know very well that people aren’t always kind, honest, or looking out for your best interests.

If you accept everything others say as gospel truth, you might never find the courage to leave your bed in the morning!

Dealing with Random Comments on Your Work (Blog)

Not long after I launched my blog, I noticed a comment on one of my Pinterest pins.

The pin discussed various ways we waste our time.

The comment went something like this:

“I’ll do whatever I want with my time. If I want to watch TV, I’ll F****** watch TV!”

Had I taken it to heart, I might have started doubting the quality of my content. Or maybe I would have thought I shouldn’t give advice.

Worse still, I might have considered quitting writing with:

“Who am I to say this and that, you idiot? Just give up already.”

It’s frightening how quickly we can tear ourselves down based on other people’s opinions.

And that’s exactly what happens when you take things too personally.

You lose confidence in yourself and start constantly second-guessing your every move.

As I’ve mentioned in this post before, Seth Godin’s words resonate deeply:

Being able to write every day, getting our thoughts out there and giving others an opportunity to think about them and perhaps change someone’s life for the better in some way, is a privilege.

Taking Responsibility vs. Taking Things Personally

Taking things personally to an extreme is evidently harmful to your mental and emotional well-being.

But don’t confuse your thoughtful and compassionate nature with being overly sensitive and prone to taking things personally.

Being considerate of your words and actions towards others and how they might impact those around you is an admirable quality.

You’re demonstrating sensibility rather than sensitivity.

The best way to determine whether you’re taking things personally or being sensible is by examining your reactions.

If you feel anger and respond defensively or negatively towards others, you’re likely taking things personally.

Even if someone is in the wrong, when you don’t take things personally, you’ll develop empathy for their perspective, thus refraining from reacting harshly or impulsively.

Overcoming the Hurt of Being Ignored

Imagine yourself greeting an elderly lady with a beaming smile as she passes by.

She continues walking without returning your smile or acknowledging you.

How dare she…

You march back and confront her:

“Lady, that’s so rude! You could at least smile when someone says hello to you, you know?”

Then you realise she has a hearing impairment and didn’t notice you.

Of course, there are people who blatantly ignore you. Chances are, their minds are preoccupied.

Maybe their car broke down for the third time this week.

Or they had a heated argument with a family member over breakfast.

Or perhaps they just don’t believe in greeting strangers they encounter in the entrance hall, even if you live in the same building.

There’s no point in taking things personally when you don’t know what’s going on in other people’s minds.

In all likelihood, their behaviour has nothing to do with you.

A powerful tool in stopping the habit of taking things personally is embracing your self-worth.

By truly believing that you’re good enough, you can unleash your inner warrior and stand strong in the face of criticism or negative feedback.

For more insights on building self-worth and boosting confidence, check out this post on How to Believe You’re Good Enough: Unleash Your Inner Warrior and Embrace Your Worth.

Handling Criticism at Work Without Taking It Personally

A workplace can make it challenging not to take things personally.

Feedback from your boss or colleagues often spotlights your mistakes or shortcomings, causing you to feel insecure.

It’s easy to perceive it as a personal attack and become defensive.

You might find yourself dwelling on the mistakes and constantly blaming yourself.

If you notice this kind of reaction, you’re likely taking things personally.

After receiving feedback, take a moment to think it through as objectively as possible.

Even if your boss communicates aggressively or harshly, their feedback could still be 100% accurate.

If you interpret their feedback as a personal attack, you’ll miss the chance to learn from it.

By embracing criticism as a learning opportunity, you’ll grow from the experience.

Next time, express gratitude for the feedback, calmly explain your thought process behind your actions, and, if necessary, apologise.

This approach enables you to view feedback as a learning experience and enhance your knowledge and skills.

Keep in mind that your mistakes or flaws don’t entirely define you.

Everyone makes mistakes, and not everyone handles them rationally. I once had a boss like that.

But I also learned from that experience how to communicate respectfully with other staff members and how not to emulate his behaviour.

Real-Life Questions: Turning Emotional Struggles into Growth Opportunities

The only way to grow and evolve is to challenge ourselves and learn from our experiences.

Navigating life inevitably leads us to situations that prompt us to examine ourselves and our emotional responses.

Like many others, I’ve faced numerous challenges, but recognising the importance of learning from these experiences has been crucial to my personal growth.

In the following sections, I’ll delve into some familiar questions and issues that many of us encounter, and share my insights on how to manage and flourish despite these difficulties.

Why Do I Take Things So Personally, Anyway?

Ever found yourself wondering why on earth you can’t help but take things personally? 

I’ve been there too. 

As we’ve discussed earlier in the section about low self-esteem and the tendency to take things personally, there’s often a hidden reason lurking behind this habit.

It could be past experiences, low self-esteem, or even a fear of rejection (yep, we’ve all faced that monster). 

The key is to dive into your personal history and pinpoint those patterns that led you down this path. 

Once you’ve spotted the triggers, you’ll be ready to break free from the cycle.

How to Stop Taking Things Personally

Let’s face it: shaking off the habit of taking things personally isn’t easy. 

But with a little mind training, you can learn to master it. 

Start by flexing your mindfulness and self-awareness muscles. 

Keep a watchful eye on your thoughts and emotions without being too hard on yourself. 

The moment you catch yourself taking something personally, hit the pause button and remember that not everything revolves around you (no offence!). 

With practice, you’ll see those unhelpful thought patterns fade away and make room for a healthier, happier you.

How to Stop Internalising Everything

Ready to kick the habit of internalising things? 

Start by embracing self-compassion and reminding yourself that, “hey, we all mess up sometimes“. 

Instead of letting negative vibes weigh you down, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. 

Open up to others about your feelings and ask for support when you need it. 

By building a toolkit of healthy coping mechanisms, you’ll be better equipped to manage stress and keep internalisation at bay.

Another effective approach to breaking the cycle of taking things personally is engaging in personal growth exercises.

One such exercise involves asking yourself powerful questions that help you reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

These questions can guide you in identifying triggers and patterns, and ultimately lead to unlocking your true potential.

For a comprehensive list of thought-provoking questions, have a look at this post on 30 Powerful Questions for Personal Growth: Unlock Your True Potential.

Why Do I Feel Like a Sponge for Emotions?

Ever wonder why you seem to over-internalise every little thing? 

It could be due to a deep-seated desire for approval or validation from those around you. 

Or, maybe it’s a symptom of perfectionism or a fear of failure (don’t worry, we all face these demons). 

By getting to the root of the issue, you can start to cultivate healthier responses to criticism or setbacks and let go of that emotional baggage.

What Does It Mean to Internalise Things?

When you “internalise” things, it’s like you’re absorbing other people’s words or actions and letting them shape your self-image or beliefs. 

This can lead to a nasty cycle of negative self-talk, feelings of inadequacy, and bruised self-esteem. 

Catching yourself in the act of internalising can help you shift gears and adopt healthier responses to life’s curveballs.

Signs You Might Be a “Personaliser”

Do you notice yourself feeling hurt or offended easily, overthinking situations, or assuming everything’s about you? 

Maybe you experience intense emotional reactions to others’ actions. 

If this sounds like you, it’s time to take a step back and develop strategies to keep your emotions in check.

How Not to Take Things Personally in Friendships

When it comes to friendships, open and honest communication is key. 

If you feel hurt or misunderstood, talk it out with your friend and seek clarity. 

Practise empathy, and remind yourself that their actions or words aren’t a measure of your worth. 

Aim for a supportive, trusting friendship where both parties can be themselves without fear of judgement.

Navigating Relationships Without Taking Things Personally

In relationships, maintaining open communication and practising active listening go a long way. 

Share your feelings with your partner and collaborate to clear up any misunderstandings. 

Focus on building a rock-solid emotional connection and trust, which will help you feel more secure and less prone to taking things personally.

Books on Not Taking Things Personally

If you’re eager to learn more about ditching the habit of taking things personally, dive into some enlightening books on the topic. 


The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, or Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. 

These insightful reads offer valuable lessons and practical techniques for mastering your emotions and boosting your emotional well-being.

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Final Thoughts: Embrace Growth and Improve Your Emotional Well-being

Embarking on a journey of self-examination to understand whether you take things personally is not only enlightening but also empowering.

This process provides a golden opportunity to learn about yourself and uncover areas where you can grow and evolve.

By doing so, you can gradually let go of the burden of worrying excessively about others’ opinions, which in turn enables you to stop taking everything personally.

The result is a significant boost to your self-esteem, greater emotional resilience, and a richer, more fulfilling life.

Embrace this growth, and watch your emotional well-being flourish.

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